Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Tell me about the fennel"...

Last evening I spent a lovely dinner with my sisters and 2 of my nieces...ladies night. Phil is a way on a fishing trip this week. One of my nieces does not eat meat, so with fish I always try and make a new vegetable... One of our favorites is roasted fennel. So easy...So delicious! Betsy... who LOVES her culinary world made a comment on facebook, "tell me about the fennel"... so I decided to elaborate! Normally fennel tastes like a cross between celery, cabbage, and licorice. Roasting, however, brings out an entirely new flavor... This is how simply I prepare it:
2 large bulbs of fennel, cut into quarters, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper, top with a good grated parmesan cheese. Roast in oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Being such a dense vegetable, it takes a while to soften... serve warm or room temp - garnish with the fronds. That easy! Thanks Betsy for asking... This time of year I enjoy roasting vegetables, most of them... it reminds me of how our parents and grandparents cooked the life out of them in a pot of water!!!

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