Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bummer... I did not win!

Well... I wasn't that lucky to win the trip "I felt in my bones" that I won to Ireland today... The phone did not ring at 7:10 AM... by WOR, Radio 710 AM ... I can't believe I actually listen "faithfully" to this station! I grew up listening to it in our kitchen or car...and always complaining or "trying" to change the station...I can remember the programs quite vividly "Ralph Snodsmith", "Bernie Meltzer - What's your problem" And now, 2 generations later, it's still a "John Gambling" that I find myself driving with and listening to on my way to school. And honestly, I don't care for him all that much, I think I preferred his father... this John Gambling is way too conservative for me... but if you don't tune into public radio...that's about all there is (and it really bugs me)!!!
So... I filled out the on-line form for a free week in Ireland... I had the vision of how I was going to surprise Phil and we'd take Gene along on our own dime... Phil loved the fishing there and Gene, well any Irish pub will make a 20 year old Rugby Player happy! I guess I wasn't that lucky after all... but, that's OK... I'm grateful for what I have - a healthy family and employment!

1 comment:

preppyplayer said...

I wish you had won, next time!