Friday, November 13, 2009

"For Every Child, A Better World"...

"For Every Child, A Better World" One of those favorite children's books that has stayed with me, and I'm upset because I'm sure I gave it away. Gene would ask me to read him this story over and over, he was NOT one of those children that LOVED books, so I gravitated to any favorite! It always led to discussions with us, what was "age appropriate" at that time. It is inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the book tells the reader, through the voice of Kermit the Frog, about the rights of children everywhere. These include the right to food, clean water, clean air to breath, a home, education and the right to grow up in a healthy and peaceful environment. I understand it's out of print, but used copies are still available, I'm about to purchase it. Our first one was a gift, I must remember to tell Allison and see if she remembers it, I'm sure she does! Every Christmas Eve we give Gene 1 gift and 1 book (the rest come in the morning) - I think this is this years choice... I'm sure he'll remember it.

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