Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sleepless with The Zagats and Joan Hamburg!

A rare sleepless night... it's 3:00 AM, I hear Tim and Nina Zagat being interviewed by Joan Hamburg... I adore them all - or I should say, I have great respect and some envy for them all! I grew up listening to WOR Radio, I knew the sequence of the Saturday morning shows... Bernie Meltzer "What's your problem", Ralph Snodsmith "Garden Hotline", Joan Hamburg - who could answer EVERY question on NYC, where to buy it, where to host any party, etc. And as my mother followed her mother with WOR and the famous Gamblings, I find myself tuning in (at times)... I'm NOT a fan of the over the top conservative and narrow minded John Gambling (3rd generation)... but I do like some of the regulars, also to include Joy Brown!

And the Zagats...who've made a multi million dollar empire beginning in 1979 rating restaurants, first in NYC, now all over the world! The Internet has expanded their empire with everyone capable of filling out a survey (myself included)...but everyone at some time or another, or perhaps on a regular basis has reviewed that famous vertical brown/red book on restaurant reviews... can you even imagine having the opportunity and being paid millions to eat out??? Good for them, good for all of them - it was a great interview, I have NO idea what channel it was on, but I was happy to be awake at 3:00 AM and catch a great show!

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