Friday, May 13, 2011

The hunt continues...

A new morning ritual... after coffee and "logging on" - I religiously go to "Craig's List"... I'm lovin' it!  I was on a "hunt" for a Welsh Cupboard... it had to be maple, good quality furniture, had to be a certain height (not too tall) - good for storage and reasonably priced.  For months I looked every day... when I finally found the one that would work.. I notified the owner, asked for specific size - went to see it, drove my sister's monster Suburban... AND came home with the perfect hutch (Welsh Cupboard) for all of $75.00!!!  My new search... matching armoire and chest of drawers for my son's room... and I know I'll find it, maybe not until September, but that's OK...the search is on and oh, so fun!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Out of "The Rugby House"

Rugby House - 2011
 Winding down, studying for finals... after his graduation in 2 weeks, this guy is moving back home... this time - NOT leaving in September... that means he's leaving his official undergraduate in "the rugby house" with these 5 great guys... and back to civility with his parents!!! I think we'll need to make some serious roommate rules...  I decided it was time to paint his room - since he's moving back... time to take down the juvenile (all sports) boarder that has been in his room since he's 7 years old! (It never bothered my son... I wonder if he'll notice his room has been painted)
Movin' back home...
In all honesty, he's great company, fun loving, and very genuine, he's just the worlds biggest SLOB!